Tag Archives: Business Tips

Helpful Tip For Boosting Employee Performance And Loyalty

Boosting employee performance might not seem like a big deal if you’re a Freelance writer, but once you’ve leveled up to hiring outside help to build your empire, you really need to learn this trick!
This blog post comes curtesy of TikTok. No, really! I saw something on there this morning that I wanted to scream from the rooftops. Or at least shove under the nose of every corporate manager. Here it is…

"Nothing will destroy a great employee faster, than watching an employer tolerate or reward the bad ones."

Here is my amazing tip for Boosting Employee Performance and Loyalty

I’ve been a work-from-home mom for so many years, I forgot how stressful a corporate job can be. But it doesn’t have to feel that way! It seems like there is a lot of pressure on employees to meet goals and follow strict guidelines, but there is very little reward offered for reaching those goals and even less positive encouragement.

A lot of employees are driven to meet goals through fear. Fear of getting written up. Fear of not getting the promotion. Fear of getting fired. After a while, they start to associate the job with fear and dread. It becomes a negative thing. I don’t know about you, but if I’m in a constant state of fear and dread, I’m not going to be functioning at my best.

Do you want to know how to draw out the best in your employees? Use the carrot and throw away the stick!

I need to give a shout out to Ashley here, who really made this difference in managing styles so clear to me.
She isn’t the kind of supervisor who sits down with you and starts pointing out all the areas you need to improve.
Instead, she talks to you like a human being.

Use a Carrot not the Stick
Use a Carrot and throw away the Stick

“How are you doing?”
“How can I help?”
“What areas are you working on improving this month?”
And when she sees you making those improvements she is right there with the encouragement and the cheers. She’s recognizing your wins, patting you on the back, and encouraging you to keep reaching for greater wins.

That’s how you get the best work out of your employees!  Turn the workplace into a positive place. Help them become better and celebrate their achievements.
If they’re struggling in an area, brainstorm some ideas for helping them improve, but in a way that makes them feel supported and not chastised. If they struggle with attendance, offer an hour of PTO for every month that they have a perfect attendance. If they struggle with keeping their lunch breaks to a time limit, offer a free lunch voucher for every month they stay within time.
Start challenging your employees to do better in a positive way and they will forward that positive energy into coworkers as well as your customers.
