Save money by saving seeds? Absolutely!
This has been such a strange winter, it can’t seem to make up it’s mind. In a single day it might shine, snow, shine, rain, shine, then throw a windstorm tantrum. Honestly, I can’t wait until spring.
Dreaming of springtime and growing things, I thought it might be fun to talk about seeds. I recently purchased this gorgeous spice rack and repurposed it for storing my garden seeds.
Isn’t it pretty?
It also taught me something that I hadn’t considered before… I might be hoarding more seeds than I need. Like, a LOT more seeds.
The reason I’m bringing it up in this post, is because I think a lot of homesteaders struggle with how to make a little extra money to cover things like phone bills and fuel for the truck.
A small package of seeds can cost anything from $1 to $5 depending on the rarity of the seeds in question, and a single jar of seeds in my library could probably fill hundreds of packages. More if they’re small seeds, like lettuce or onion. (Note: please make sure none of the seeds you want to sell are trademarked, copyrighted, or branded against resale).
A year or so ago, I packaged up some of the purple orach and hollyhock seeds, just to see how well they might sell. I marketed them on just a single group in Facebook and made over $500 in just a month. Yes, that meant I had to make weekly trips to the post office, but I simply scheduled them with shopping trips to save gas.
It’s not a fortune, and eventually you’d run out of seeds, but I thought it might give you ideas for how even small gardens can help pay for themselves and give you a little extra cash.