Do you want to know how to slide into their DMs without being creepy? With how much time I’ve been spending on TikTok lately, this topic was bound to come up sooner or later!
All my spicy content creator friends will agree that we have probably seen or heard it all when it comes to creepy DMs that fly in out of the blue. For whatever reason, there are always a few fans who think that spicy content creators would appreciate unrequested, not-safe-for-work photographs or comments.
Please don’t be one of those people!

How To Slide Into Their DMs Without Being Creepy
Keep it Simple
Realize that we are probably answering your DMs during a quick break or down time between projects. Most content creators work ten to twelve hours a day, including weekends, to keep up with all the demands on our time. We probably don’t have time to read a twenty-page declaration of your love.
Keep it short, sweet, and safe for work!
You can mention similar interests based on their recent post on social media or their website bio. Maybe ask a question or share a thought about something they’ve writing.
Be Thoughtful
The best way to keep a conversation going is to talk about interests you might have in common but keep this to topics that might come up in a job interview.
For example, if you both love reading spicy romance novels, do NOT go asking them about their favorite positions, or anything else that might be inappropriate for a job interview.
Instead, ask them who their favorite authors are. Or something which might gain a few laughs, like whether they prefer covers that have the top portion of the head chopped off so you can imagine what they hero or heroine looks like.
This is a real thing! Go look at some covers and see what I mean!
Topics like this can inspire some fun conversations. These are the types of conversations that create friendships which can later become something more.
Use Spellcheck
If you frequently have people on Facebook correcting your grammar or spelling, it would probably help if you typed everything out in a word document first and checked it for grammar or spelling errors.
This is especially true of the person you’re talking to is an author or content creator. Most of us have years of training in reading, writing, and editing English.
There are people out there who are physically or mentally triggered by a text or DM that is riddled with errors.
Be Available
When you reach out to anyone online, whether it is through a dating app, social media, or their personal website or blog, you are stepping up for more than just a conversation.
You have probably spent at least a few minutes, hours, or even days researching them to see if they’re someone you’d like to have a conversation with. Then, once you’ve sent that DM, you’re giving that person an opportunity to spend at least an equal amount of time researching if you’re someone they would like to talk to.
This means you need to give them something to research.
If you don’t have a completed profile, I can almost guarantee that you’ll never get a response.
A profile with just a picture and a name is the equivalent of a face leering at us from a windowless van. To put it bluntly, you look like you are hiding something.
The more you appear to be hiding, the more you’ll look like you might kidnap and “unalive” someone if they get too close. Making yourself more available online can be hard, but if you want to connect with people, you’ll have to try.

What are you hiding???
Finally, Be Respectful
Always, always, always treat people with respect and kindness.
Your life isn’t all sunshine and happiness, and neither is theirs. They might be going through some things and just not have time or the emotional strength to answer back to every message they get.
We never really know what’s going on in someone else’s life, just like they don’t know what’s going on in your life.
So be kind and be respectful.
If they don’t follow you back, that’s their choice. Don’t start spamming messages to change their mind or you’re guaranteed to get blocked and probably reported.
The same is true if they don’t respond to messages.
If you really want to show your support, make thoughtful comments on their posts and just be available for a later conversation. Once they see that you’re respectful and friendly, they may start replying to your comments and future DMs.
If they don’t, that’s okay too, you’re learning skills that will make you more valuable to the next person.