by Celeste Hall
Simple Musings
A Young Adult Historical Romance.
Rebecca Stanton is the only daughter of a struggling farmer. After an unexpected tragedy strikes her family, she finds herself fighting to protect everything that she loves from being torn apart and destroyed.
Her battle is further challenged by the focused attention of two men; the first a prominent plantation owner who pushes her temper to its most violent depths, while the second holds a letter of debt against her which could mean the loss of her home. A tender and innocent romance written in the classical style of Jane Austen’s works.
A note from the author: This book was one of many manuscripts that I wrote in my youth, and of which there existed only a single copy. When I moved out of the house to live on my own, they were all left behind in my parent’s basement.
A lot happened in the following years, and a few of them were accidentally thrown away or lost by a horde of grandchildren. After an unexpected flood, my mother began cleaning out the area and the manuscripts were rediscovered, however they had all suffered water damage and some were entirely destroyed.
This manuscript was barely readable when found, but I sat down and diligently attempted to recover it. There may be some changes from the original, but I think it’s still a very sweet story.
Simple Musings is currently available in digital or paperback from most major bookstores. It can also be downloaded in .pdf or .rtf (Word doc) to read on your home computer, by visiting Smashwords, the first link below.
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An Excerpt from Simple Musings
“Oh Rebecca, look!” Karen suddenly whispered excitedly. “It’s that Mr. Carver fellow!”
Despite her previous neglect, Rebecca found herself interested in seeing what kind of man might own such a fine colt as Dark Knight.
Turning abruptly, she immediately caught his eye.
Egan Carver stood at least several inches over any of the men in his presence, with a figure forged of steel. Every muscle so defined as to make him appear most intimidating.
His hair was as black as the hide of his colt, and the eyes he now turned on her were just as dark.
Utterly expressionless was his tanned face, as though sculpted out of bronze. Yet his eyes were so piercing, so very fierce, that Rebecca quickly looked away.
“Good heavens!” She felt her skin goose pimple with nervousness.
“He’s extremely handsome,” Karen whispered into her fan.
“He’s extremely frightening!” Rebecca retorted. “How on earth could such a man be welcomed in civilized society?”
“I think he looks like a perfect gentleman, “Karen assured her. “Look at how straight and tall he stands. And his airs! Why, he holds himself like a prince!”
Rebecca stole another glance at him from beneath carefully shielded lashes, and was startled to find his eyes still upon her. His surly glare made the small hairs on the back of her neck prickle in alarm, but at the same time roused her indignation.
What right had he to stare at her so? She had every right to be here as he did. Perhaps more so, as she was born near Livingstown, and he was only a visitor to it.
Raising her chin, she sent a scathing look down her nose at him. At least, she would have, if he hadn’t stood so much taller than she. Yet Rebecca made a valiant effort at it nonetheless!
Something flickered across his face, but she was unsure of whether it was disgust or amusement. She found either possibility to be equally infuriating.
She was saved from further discomfort however, by the arrival of her mother with the family carriage.
Tagged as: clean romance, historical romance, sweet romance